Top Bengaluru, Karnataka Sports Companies (3)
Sportskeeda - For the hardcore sports fan Fans don't just follow the sport, they feel it. We're one of you, and we strive to keep you on top of every possible sports trend by creating engaging and insightful content at lightning-quick speed. Established in 2009, Sportskeeda is a global sports content platform that covers the world's biggest sports and esports subjects and serves over 80 Million fans every month. Our passionate team comprises top journalists from around the world who produce hundreds of well-researched content pieces on a daily basis. Sportskeeda also operates a fully owned US subsidiary, by the registered name Sportskeeda Inc. We are a Great Place to Work certified organization, with employees and contributors working from various corners of the globe.
Game Theory (a Techstars backed company) is "Gamifying" the experience of playing sports.
We are a Sneakers and Sports Lifestyle brand that seamlessly blends affordability, top-notch quality, and up-to-the-minute styles. In an industry where some brands prioritize style at the cost of exorbitant prices, and others compromise quality for lower costs, RapidBox embarked on a journey to bridge this gap. Established in 2019, RapidBox aims to provide Sneakers and Sports Lifestyle products that cater to every individual's style preference and budget, making the latest trends accessible to all without compromising on quality. With RapidBox, you're not just wearing sneakers; you're wearing a testament to our commitment to style, comfort, and value.
Work Your Passion. Live Your Purpose.